Systems Thinking and The Work That Reconnects
An experiential understanding of the interconnectedness of all life would give our children the sustainable values they’ll need to create a sustainable future. It is my dream to help create such an educational experience, by understanding and embodying these values myself. I have found “systems thinking” the most comprehensive way to understand the interconnected nature of life, and I have been actively seeking out well-seasoned educators and facilitators who exhibit such an understanding. My next two trainings, for which I am seeking financial support, are with Joanna Macy and Fritjof Capra, two systems theorists who are major contributors to innovations in experiential learning and systems thinking. Both Fritjof and Joanna are keenly interested in bringing their work to children. Short introductions to their work are below.The Work That Reconnects and Joanna Macy
(see link to the right)
The Work that Reconnects Training: July 31st-August 12 in Soquel, CA. Cost: $2000
I first met Joanna at a Global Gathering of Awakening the Dreamer, Changing the Dream Symposium facilitators in 2008, and in November 2008 I attended my first men's retreat in the Work That Reconnects, which she and her late husband Fran led and co-facilitated. Joanna developed the Work that Reconnects over years of study and practice in Systems Theory, Engaged Buddhism and social activism. I consider The Work That Reconnects to be the embodiment piece of my systems thinking training. Joanna's work is extremely rich and I strongly encourage you to browse her website. I am already in communication with Joanna about the work I've been doing, and I will be meeting with her in late June to show her prototypes and discuss my intentions for the training in August. I have been awarded a scholarship of $1000 for this training.
The Center for Eco-Literacy, Systems Theory and Fritjof Capra
(see link to the right)
Systems Thinking, Education, and the State of the World Workshop
August 13-15, in Berkeley, CA. Cost: $425
I saw Fritjof Capra speak at an Eco-Schools intensive last fall as part of the Bioneers conference (a really great event). He is very eloquent about the paradigm shift needed in education, and I consider him a major influence in my efforts at synthesizing primary education, the Alexander Technique and the findings of systems theorists. Fritjof authored the now famous "The Tao of Physics” in 1975 and is also co-founder of the Center for Eco-Literacy here in Berkeley. Both Fritjof himself and the Center are key players in the Education for Sustainability movement. In my experience, Fritjof Capra's work provides the clearest and most integrated intellectual understanding of systems thinking (the best example of this is his book “The Hidden Connections,” published 2002).(see link to the right)
Systems Thinking, Education, and the State of the World Workshop
August 13-15, in Berkeley, CA. Cost: $425
This 2-day workshop is a rare opportunity to make a personal connection with a seminal figure who could act as an advocate for my own work in the future. I have a couch to sleep on in Berkeley, and have applied for a scholarship from the Center for Eco-Literacy (I'll hear back about that by June 30th).
How To Contribute:
As you can see, these workshops add up to about $2825 (this total includes a $400 flight from North Carolina to California). I have been able to secure a work-study scholarship for the amount of $1000 for the Work That Reconnects training, and I have high hopes for a scholarship from the Center for Eco-Literacy.I now ask my community of friends, family and co-activists to support me in developing myself to forward an education for sustainability, by contributing any amount to help me raise the final $1825. Please keep in mind that no amount is too small and that even $1 will let the Universe know I have your loving support.
If you'd like to make a contribution, and I hope you do!, please mail checks to the address below by June 20, 2009. If you'll be mailing after June 20th, please mail checks to the secondary address, as we'll be headed east by July 4th.
Please don't hesitate to call me with any questions at (510) 586-4697.
Checks can be made out to Kenneth Fischer.
Mailed by June 20th please mail to:
Kenneth Fischer
2218 A Prince St.
Berkeley, CA 94705
Mailed after June 20th please mail to:
Kenneth Fischer
135 Michigan Ave.
Asheville, NC 28806
With abiding gratitude,
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